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예전 질문에 답글 달면서 확인한 내용입니다, 평소 궁금했던 사항인데, 정답은 "마닐라"입니다.


필리핀의 수도는 역사의 과정에 따라 수차례 변경되어 왔으나, 1976년 6월 24일 당시 마르코스 대통령의 대통령 제 940호에 의해 필리핀의 수도로 재지정된 이후 현재까지 유지되고 있습니다.


참고로 "메트로 마닐라"는 마닐라 시를 포함한 주변 16개 도시를 묶은 중앙행정구역(National Capital Region,NCR)을 통칭하는 용어입니다. 그러나 여전히 필리핀 국가의 수도를 칭할때는 "마닐라"입니다. 





Former and present capital city Island Group Since Until Change and Reason of Change
Cebu, Cebu Visayas 1562 1578 Moved to Manila after their capture and establishment of Intramuros
Manila Luzon 1578 1899 Moved to Malolos after the fall of the Spanish colonial government in Manila.
Bacolor, Pampanga Luzon 1762 1764 Became the temporary capital of British occupation of Manila.
Kawit, Cavite Luzon 1896 1898 Served as historical capital of the Philippine Revolution, where Philippine independence was proclaimed and where the Dictatorial and Revolutionary Government was established.
Malolos, Bulacan Luzon 1899 1901 Served as the headquarters of the revolutionary government, moved to Manila when President Aguinaldo was captured during the Philippine American War.
Angeles, Pampanga,
San Isidro, Nu Ecija,
Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija
Bamban, Tarlac,
Tarlac City, Tarlac,
Bayambang, Pangasinan
Luzon 1899 1899 In 1899, Emilio Aguinaldo moved the Capital of the First Philippine Republic from Malolos to several towns to escape American Forces.
Palanan, Isabela Luzon 1900 1901 Served as the last capital of First Philippine Republic, after Gen Emilio Aguinaldo was captured by the American Forces led by Gen Frederick Funston.
Manila Luzon 1901 1948 Served as the nation's capital during the American occupation, the Commonwealth and the Japanese-sponsored Second Republic, moved to Quezon City via Republic Act No. 333
Quezon City Luzon 1948 1976 Became capital in 1948 through the Republic Act No. 333 and moved back to Manila in 1976.
Manila Luzon 1976 Present Became capital through Presidential Decree No. 940 by President Ferdinand Marcos on June 24, 1976.


마닐라 맞죠^^

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