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이민국은 문서없는 애뉴얼리포트를 이행

by info posted Feb 02, 2015


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Bureau of Immigration, Republic of the Philippinesadded 3 new photos.

January 7 at 6:16pm · 



Manila, Philippines—The Bureau of Immigration (BI) implemented a paperless filing system for the annual report (AR) requirement for foreigners beginning January 1 this year.

The paperless filing is the first step towards the fully online system that we hope to be in place by next year”, said BI Commissioner SiegfredMison.

The new system, as implemented under Immigration Operations Order No. SBM-2014-063, removes the requirement of the paper-based application form through the online application form which should be accomplished at <vua.immigration.gov.ph> before proceeding to the BI office for completion of the annual report.

Registrants are required to file the report in person and present their original ACR I-Card, pay a fee of P310, and submit the confirmation number generated through the online BI AR Form.

The annual report is pursuant to Republic Act No. 562, Section 10 requiring registered aliens to report to the Bureau of Immigration within the first 60 days of the calendar year.

Mison reminded foreigners with pending obligations with the BI to settle their arrears prior to registration. He mentioned that only those below 14 years old, 65 years old and above, mentally or physically incapacitated, and those who appeared during the 2014 Annual Report are exempt from personally appearing for this year’s annual report. They may submit their form through a representative provided they present a special power of attorney.

The reporting period is from January 1 to March 1, 2015. The list of participating BI offices and further details are available through the BI website at <http://immigration.gov.ph/…/OP…/Dec2014/OOSBM%202014-063.pdf>.

이민국은 문서없는 애뉴얼리포트를 이행

필리핀 마닐라 이미그레이션은 이번 1월부터 문서없는 애뉴얼리포트로 진행 할 것을밝혔다Manila,

이민국 국장 시에그프레드 마이손은 시스템은 내년을 위해 내딛는 걸음이다라고 전했다

시스템은 SBM-2014-063 의해 문서가 아닌 온라인으로 진행될 것을 기본으로 하며, 또한 애뉴얼 리포트 방문 vua.immigration.gov.ph 방문하여 서류를 작성하는 것으로 한다

애뉴얼리포트를 경우 아이카드 (복사본 안됨) 310페소와 온라인상에서 작성한 확인번호를 준비해야 한다

애뉴얼 리포트는 No.5620 10 의해  외국인들은 60일안에 보고해야 의무가 있다

이민국장 마이손은 2014 애뉴얼리포트를 외국인 14세이하거나 65 이상이거나 인체상의 문제가 있는 경우는 대리인이 변호사의 허가 (special power of attorney)를 받아 대리 진행 할 수 있다

기간은 1 1– 3 1일이며 아래의 사이트에서 가능한 이민국을 볼 수 있다


