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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부

2012 yr 21st Filipino - Korean Cultural Festival 

Date :  2012 . Oct. 27 (sat) 2:00 pm to 5:00pm

Venue :  Aliw theater . CCP complex.


I. Event Participants

A. Filipino
Speech Contest – In Korean Language (Theme : Introduce Philippines)
Talent Contest – Singing Korean Songs/Korean Cultural or KPOP Dance/Playing Traditional Musical Instrument
B. Korean

Speech Contest – In Tagalog Language (Theme : Introduce Korea)
Talent Contest – Singing Tagalog Songs/Filipino Cultural or Contemporary Dance/ Playing Traditional Musical Instrument

II. Qualifications

A. Participants should be Korean or Filipino Citizen residing in the Philippines (regardless of gender)
B. Professional Artist/Performers will be disqualified and only amateur applicants will be accepted.
Participants with special qualifications will be considered depending on the discretion of host/organizers

III. Criteria

Application for Qualification
Application Form can be downloaded through UKCA’s website, Facebook and submitted through email, fax or in UKCA office.

United Korean Community Association Inc. 1104 Antel Corporate Center, 121 Valero Street. Salcedo Village,Makati City.
Phone: 02-886-4848 , 886-4898 Fax: 02-886-7997 Email: info@korea.com.ph , ukca@korea.com.ph 
www.Kora.com.ph , facebook : United Korean Community Association
Application Period : 2012.08.21 ~ 2012.09.21 – 10:00AM~ 05:00PM

IV. Elimination Round

A. Each Region(Baguio, Subic, Central Luzon, Cebu, Boracay, Davao)will select one representative for each category ; speech and talent for Final Round.
Due date : 2012.09.20 
B. Metro Manila : Recommended participants from different organizations and offices as well as individual participants will be judged by UKCA for qualifying participants
*Speech Contest, Talent Contest (Singing) – Submission of CD
*Talent Contest: Dance/Instrumentalist – Submission of video/CD
*Application period : 2012.09.21(visit office or post mail)
Date and Venue : Makati Sports Club, 2012.Sep.22 10:00AM~5:00PM

V. Talent Contest Semi-Final Round with Speech Contest Final Round.

A. Semi-Final Round will be held among qualifiers from 6 regional Korean Association and Metro Manila.
B. Grand Prize winners for the speech contest category (Korean&Pilipino) will be announced on the main event day.
C. Date and Venue : 2012.Oct.13 10:00AM~5:00PM, Korean Cultural Center(Bonifacio)

VI. Finals
-Talent Contest (Singing, Dancing, Musical Instrument)
Korean : 5 team
Filipino : 5 team 

Awards and Prizes

I. Speech Contest
-Grand Prize : Trophy and Gift Item/s 
1 Korean = Air plane Ticket (Round trip to korea) 
1 Filipino = Tour package to Korea (with air plane ticket)
- First Runner-Up: Trophy and Cash Prize, P10,000 each. (1 Korean, 1 Filipino)
- Second Runner-Up: Trophy and Cash Prize, P5,000 each. (1 Korean, 1 Filipino)
II. Talent Contest
-Grand Prize : Trophy and Cash Prize of P50,000
-First Runner-Up : Trophy and Cash Prize of P30,000
-Second Runner-Up : Trophy and Cash Prize of P10,000
-Third Runner-Up : Trophy and Cash Prize of P5,000
-Popularity Award : Trophy and Cash Prize of P5,000
-Consolation Prize : Certificate and Gift Item/s

*All finalists will be given opportunity to render performances during UKCA and other Korean Organizations’ activities.
*Regardless of the Nationality, only one team who gets the highest score will be awarded as Grand Winner and First Runner-up, respectively.


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필리핀한인총연합회 | Tel: 63-2-8886-4848, 8886-4898
Contact e-mail: ukca@korea.com.ph
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