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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부

외국인 건강보험 제도변경 안내

Information on Changes to the National Health Insurance System for Foreigners


외국인 및 재외국민이 대한민국에서 6개월이상 체류하게 되면 2019년 7월 16일부터 건강보험에 당연가입됩니다.

If any foreigner or overseas Korean has stayed in the Republic of Korea for more than six months, he or she will be mandatorily subscribed to the National Health Insurance from July 16, 2019.


□ 시행일 : 2019.7.16.

Enforcement date: July 16, 2019


□ 주요내용

Main details

○ 6개월 이상 체류하는 경우 건강보험 당연가입

If you have been residing in Korea for more than six months, you will be mandatorily subscribed to the National Health Insurance of Korea.

▼ 유학 또는 결혼이민의 경우는 입국하여 외국인 등록한 날 가입

If holders of Study or Marriage (F-6) Visa, from the very date of entry into the country (alien registration date)


※ 가입제외 신청대상 : 외국의 법령 보험 및 사용자의 계약에 따라 법 제41조에 따른 요양급여에 상당하는 의료보장을 받을 수 있는 경우

Those exempted from the subscription: If an individual can get a medical guarantee commensurate to the medical care expenses in accordance with Article 41 of the law in line with foreign laws, insurance, and user contracts


○ 자격은 등록된 체류지(거소지)에 따라 개인별로 관리(취득)되며, 건강 보험료도 개인별로 부과

You will be enrolled individually according to the residential address in Korea, and thus the insurance contribution will be imposed individually.

▼ 다만, 같은 체류지(거소지)에 배우자 및 만19세미만 자녀와 함께 거주 하여 가족단위로 보험료 납부를 원하는 경우에는 가족관계를 확인할 수 있는 서류를 지참하여 방문 신청 필요 

However, if you wish to pay the insurance contribution in combined subscription of several people as one household, because your children younger than 19 years or spouse is residing in the same place as you, the subscriber, you have to bring documents confirming your family relations, visit the National Health Insurance Service office, and make a request.

▼ 보험료는 소득 재산에 따라 산정하며, 산정된 보험료가 전년도 11월 전체가입자 평균보험료 미만인 경우 평균보험료를 부과 

The insurance contribution is calculated according to income and property. If the calculated contribution is below the average insurance contribution of all subscribers in November of the previous year, the average contribution is imposed.

* 2019년 보험료(월) : 113,050원 이상

Monthly contribution in 2019 : KRW 113,050 or more


※ 가족관계 확인용 서류 - 해당국 외교부(또는 아포스티유) 확인을 받은 가족관계나 혼인사실이 나타 나는 서류 … 한글번역 포함

Documents to submit to confirm family relations - Documents showing family relations or marriage certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the relevant country (or Apostille) including the Korean translation version


❍ 매월 25일까지 다음 달 보험료 납부

The insurance contribution for the following month is to be paid by the 25th of each month.

❍ 보험료 미납하면 불이익 발생

In case of delaying payment of the insurance contribution, you will incur the following disadvantages:


▼ 병 의원 이용 시 건강보험 혜택 제한

Limited health insurance benefits when using hospitals or clinics

▼ 비자연장 등 각종 체류허가 제한(법무부 출입국 외국인관서)

Limited residence permit when requesting for a visa extension and all other kinds of residence permits (Korea Immigration Service of the Korean Ministry of Justice or any public immigration office of the Republic of Korea)

▼ 기한을 정하여 독촉을 하고, 그래도 납부하지 않으면 소득 , 재산, 예금 등 압류하여 강제 징수

If you do not pay even when pressed after a set period, your income, property, and savings will be seized and collected by force.


❍ 건강보험 혜택은 대한민국 국민과 동일

Health insurance benefits are the same as those of the citizens of Korea.

▼ 입원, 외래진료, 중증질환, 건강검진 등 

Hospitalization, outpatient medical treatment, care for severe conditions, health check-up, etc.


외국인 건강보험 제도변경 안내문 (한글, 영문).pdf


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